Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Norwegian Lundehund

The Norwegian Lundehund is a truly rare and unique dog. These dogs were originally bred to hunt puffins on the islands off the west coast of Norway and they very nearly went extinct after puffins became a protected species.

There are some very unique physical characteristics that this dog possesses which could possibly link it back to more primitive dogs. For example, these dogs have 6 functional toes. Four of them point forward, and two point inward, like human thumbs. These extra digits help with traction in rocky terrain and make it easier to dig for puffin nests. They can also close their ear canals to prevent dirt and water from getting in their ears, especially in small tunnels. They can also bend their neck so far back that they can touch the top of their heads to their backs. This allows them to turn around in very narrow spaces. They also have incredibly flexible shoulder joints and they can spread their front legs directly out to the side. This also helps them with climbing.

            The temperament of these dogs is also unique. They are generally happy and playful dogs but are also hypervigilant and will sound the alarm at the slightest disturbance. They require frequent socialization from a young age in order to be more confident around strangers. They are very intelligent but very challenging to train. They are very clever and will often identify their own goals and work towards accomplishing them. They are very good at problem solving and have no problem overcoming any obstacle that gets between them and their goal. According to one source: “Confinement to a crate or back yard is just one more obstacle to overcome. And if they outsmart you once, they remember.”(1)

            Housebreaking can also be a major challenge and some dogs never actually master it. Their yards should be surrounded by a very high fence as these dogs are excellent at jumping and climbing.

            This breed of dog is on the smaller side, about 13 inches at the shoulder, and weigh between 20 and 30 lbs. They can be expected to live between 12 and 15 years. They have a short, slick coat that is easy to groom and they all have the same signature color pattern. They are graceful and agile, making them great climbers and jumpers.


    Overall, this breed is not for everyone. They will need a lot of time and commitment on the owners behalf in order to make sure their needs are met. It may also be helpful to have a strong sense of humor as these dogs will always be looking for ways to get what they want, which will likely end up in some pretty creative ways of getting into trouble. For those who choose to own this breed, they will get a lifetime of loyalty and an excellent adventure partner.


The Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is iconic. Even people who don’t own dogs can recognize this famous breed. It’s been recognized as the #1 most popular breed in America by the AKC for the last 29 years!

Originally bred for hauling in fishing nets and fetching ropes in Newfoundland, these dogs are now commonly used as hunting dogs and frequently excel as competition dogs, especially in obedience competitions. These dogs are incredibly easy to train and have a reputation as being sweet natured and very intelligent. These traits have lead them to become wonderful therapy dogs and assistance dogs for those with disabilities.

Make no mistake, these are very athletic dogs who still have a strong drive to work. They need between 30 and 60 minutes of intense exercise per day or they can become destructive. Chewing and barking are common behavior problems with this breed.

            Also, these dogs are so often thought to be automatically great that some people feel that they don’t have to bother with training. But these dogs are large and highly energetic and will need some time put into training to instill good manners or they can become unmanageable in their overexcitement. Don’t worry too much though, these dogs are enthusiastic about learning and are one of the easiest breeds to train. Training also provides great mental stimulation for this intelligent breed.

            These dogs are very social and thrive when in the constant presence of their families. They need social interaction and don’t do well when left alone for large periods of time. These are family dogs that do well with all members of the household, including children and other dogs. They will form strong bonds with their families, but are unlikely to fill the role of watchdog very well. There’s a common joke that they are more likely to greet intruders and give them a tour of the home.

            They can be mouthy and are happiest when they have something to carry around in their mouth. It’s important to provide them with many appropriate and durable toys that they can carry and chew to prevent them from chewing other things, like your couch.


This breed is a medium-sized dog, weighing between 50 and 80 lbs. They come in three colors: yellow, black, and chocolate. There are also "rare" colors that are just variants of the yellow coat color. They are double coated, meaning they have a sleek outer coat with a thick, insulating undercoat. While they don’t need frequent bathing, their undercoat tends to produce a lot of shedding, especially during the spring and fall. Frequent brushing during these times will minimize the amount of shedding. Their chewing tendency means you’ll need to monitor what they put in their mouths as they can end up with broken teeth.  

            Overall, with the right training and exercise, these dogs make amazing family pets. They will always be a loyal and loving companion who wants nothing more than to spend time with you and play endless amounts of fetch.
